Pencho Syndrome

Pencho Syndrome, is a psychological phenomenon, observed mainly in League of Legends players. Often during the course of a game they express hatred and rage towards enemy and team players. These feelings are generally followed by irrelevant or unsolicited messages filled with anger and abuse, often written in caps lock.
Observation shows that players affected by the Pencho Syndrome refuse to accept their mistake/or lack of skill level at a current situation. After such occurs their first reaction is to blame/abuse someone, or make a lame excuse for their failure(lag, lucky, etc..)
Pencho Syndrome behaviour can also be seen after a game ends. Innocent players are being pointed out as the reason for the loss and reported.
Players affected by the Pencho Syndrome never take responsibility for their bad play or lack of skill for the current level, they express their negativity in chat and refuse to see their own mistakes. Blaming people for their loss, thus making themselves feel better and convince themselves that they’ve lost or performed bad, because of others.

 Players observed for the conclusion: Blackcontractor1, Nookei, AttackWho, Padilol and Deifyz

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